The BIM Consultant

A division of Ariston Consulting Group

Your Trusted BIM Partner.™

Book a discovery
meeting today.

Have a one-on-one meeting with  Tarek Ghazzaoui, Eng. to discuss your needs,  plans, requirements or  opportunities in BIM.

Note: This meeting is strictly reserved for general discussions, and not for consulting services.

Picture of Tarek Ghazzaoui, Eng.

Tarek Ghazzaoui, Eng.

Principal BIM Consultant
Senior BIM Manager

Package 3

Recurring hours

Buy a recurring fixed number of BIM hours to work on recurring meetings or projects and get a fixed hourly rate based on the package selected.

* You can choose the number of recurring hours.

Package 4

Lump sum

Buy a lump sum package for customized BIM services based on your needs.

* This package is not hourly-based.

We will send you a meeting link after validating your request.